
Beach Management (Video Lesson)

Many beach areas around the world are in dire threats of over-development and mass tourists. There is a need to more effectively develop and manage the coastal areas to optimize the benefits of tourism on a sustained manner and minimize or even prevent any possible negative impacts of tourism.

Whether you're a tourism student, practitioner of local government person in charge of protecting your natural resources, you have to see this one to get even just a nugget of knowledge to better protect your beach from the impacts of tourism. And ensure that the site as a tourism product can sustain many generations of stakeholders.

There are actually so many other things that I was not able to include in the video. Let me see if I can make another one to serve as Part 2 of the beach management lesson. In the meantime, enjoy the video! And make sure you include the concepts in your plan if you get the opportunity to develop a coastal area!


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