Puerto Princesa Underground River and Vicinity Tour Package

With the enhanced popularity of Puerto Princesa Underground River (PPUR), more people are getting curious how the place really looks like.

And if you have three days to spend in the area, you can actually do a lot of things and discover more intimately  this world's natural wonder.

This scene is now very rare - where the forest meets the sea
I made a simple itinerary that is focused on the national park and its vicinity. For those who have been in Puerto Princesa, this is a refreshing option to see more of the beauty of Palawan. Just be ready to do some serious, 4-kilometer trekking through limestone walls, thick forests, and beach coves. Some added bonus would be witnessing the wildlife in the area that include endemic parrots and other birds, watchful monkeys, and probably even pythons resting peacefully (and safely!) on tree branches.

You can do this on your own. Or if you prefer to do this edgy activity with some help, just click this LINK so my colleagues can help you book your tour.

The best place to spend the night is in Sabang Beach which is just 
outside the national park
Here's the detailed itinerary:

Day 1
Arrive Puerto Princesa Airport
Proceed to Sabang
Check-in Resort
Rest/Free time
Swimming or snorkeling in the beach
Day 2 
Early Morning - Boat to the underground river
After the cave exploration onboard a small boat, trek back to Sabang for about 4 kilometers trough forest trails that also pass through limestone "forest", and tiny beach coves
Option - on the border of the national park, one can take a river tour that goes inside a forest of mangrove trees (highly recommended!)
Day 3 
AM - visit Ugong Rock and do ziplining
PM - Back to Puerto Princesa

Very important!! - If you're doing this trip on your own, make sure that you get a permit first in Puerto Princesa City. The park managers are observing the carrying capacity of the area and they can only allow a certain number of people to enter the area per day. 
A highly recommended activity is to go on mangrove river paddling tour and wonder in awe at the very tall mangrove trees and surreal-like forest. You might also get to see some interesting wildlife here. This is located between Sabang Beach and the national park.

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