Green Vehicles in Cebu

Just the other week, I was quite lucky to be invited as one of the resource persons to talk on sustainable tourism for Shangri-la's Mactan Resort's CSR (corporate social responsibility) event called Green on the GO in Cebu.

The event was packed with a lot of participants and some items and programs were also exhibited. What caught my attention were the "green" vehicles which were either electric tricycles and a used-to-be volkswagen beetle/plus some Porsche parts that magically transformed into a 'coconut" car! You have to read the write-up in the photo to understand what I'm trying to say.

Also on display is an e-trike that I wanted
to test-drive and bring back to Manila

I think I can still have the chance to see in my lifetime a scene where the roads are filled with more environmentally-benign vehicles and get to savor fresher air compared to what I'm inhaling right now.

Crossing my fingers here!!


  1. i like it, exotic and cool.

  2. superb!
    especially the PORSCHE 356 cabriolet
