Who Wants a Good Tourism Idea? - Sandcastle Park

We are in constant search of new tourism ideas. Whether we're the destination or we're the travellers, that wanting to create or see new, innovative, compelling, or even recycled/upcycled ideas would make us want to jump out of our beds and basically be in the middle of that tourism concept.

As a tourism consultant, I am often required to come up with ideas that would make new and even existing destinations attract both tourism investments and visitors. Most of my ideas are out of the box, but generally exciting. Some have come into fruition, while others are in the active files, waiting for people to invest into their sites. And yeah, I get paid varying amounts for those ideas.

This time, I'm giving away one concept that should turn into a very good tourist attraction. It's not entirely out of the box. But a very interesting repackaging or upcycling of an activity that has been done all over the world for hundreds of years. It may not even be unique! But it could be very compelling.

All you need is probably one hectare of land ANYWHERE (preferably near or within an urban center, and AWAY from a beach area). Tons, of sand that is not quarried from the sea, and artists to create these magical creations.

Yup, I'm talking about a Sandcastle Park. And nope, its not anywhere near that Sandcastle theme park in the U.S. It will be just a small piece of land where sandcastles and other sculptures can be created. Very simple! and not an expensive investment!

Everyday, the sandcastle artists will create their new fleeting sculptures. People will witness the creation (or course, after paying the entrance fees), take selfies, buy sundry items, have a meal... the works! The key is, it's never a "been there, done that" destination. Because the sculpture are changed everyday, people will have a daily, weekly, monthly and whatever season and reason to visit the park!

Before posting this, I searched (googled, actually) high and low if such thing already exists. Nada, Zilch. But I'm not discounting the possibility that one already exists somewhere in this entire world, but definitely zero in the Philippines.

There you have it! A tourism idea given away for free! But of course, it wouldn't hurt if you hire me as your consultant! Hehe...

Naaahh!... Don't pressure yourself! I just want to see this in my lifetime.

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