El Hogar ala Paris??

A former student, Angel visited Paris and posted a photo showing a window overlooking an impressive, old building in the city. Then I had an idea.... what if we can show the endangered EL Hogar building in Manila (and all the other heritage buildings in the Philippines!) through this perspective? Yeah.... what if.... Will the people and the authorities (and the private owners!) finally see its real value, aside from just being an old building?

Spruce up the building. My gulay, I can't imagine how grand it would look like and how it could greatly improve Manila not only as a destination but as a place with great history, something we can all be proud of and not sulk in shame.

See for yourself and decide. And maybe help fight for our heritage.

The first photo is the one in Paris (unphotoshopped). And the other one is the photoshopped version using El Hogar as the view from the hotel window.

Photo 1. Paris View

Photo 2. Photoshopped with El Hogar as the view from the window.

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