Youth, Travel, Passion, and Bahala na si Batman

At last! after watching from the sidelines and looking at the young people developing a very ambitious (and nicely done, so far!) web videos on travel in the Philippines, the PHL 360 team has launched the first episode.

Its a reality kind of thing travel story with seasoned Filipino travelers as the "victims" (or the privileged ones, if you ask me) who were brought to different places in the Philippines.

And knowing that nobody earned from this and some of them emptied their pay envelopes or victimized their own parents to hand over the entire contents of their publicly-declared wallets to help fund this dream project of many kindred spirits, the entertainment of watching the video has gained a very different level. Yup, the youth knows this but could never explain how it works, and the oldies already have an idea and gets entertained by something they already know many years ago.

Its a dream project, and its nice watching it unravel.

Lets support their passion and share this to our friends!

You can see PHL 360's website here.


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