Pinatubo Buried Houses - creating a major tourism product

Here's another unsolicited advice. This time for the province of Pampanga.

Mt. Pinatubo erupted about 20 years ago.

It is one of the very few volcanoes that almost the whole world knows.

And what (MAJOR!) tourism products can be developed out of that unfortunate catastrophy? Of course, there's the crater and the trek, plus the 4x4 adventure drive.

But what I think has been neglected or never thought of (inspite of the in-your-face opportunity) as a major tourism product are the buried houses (uhm... can I put some exclamation points?).

You see, the buried houses have great stories to tell to all the visitors. It can make the volcanic event and the lahar floods seem more personal to the tourists.

I hope there are Kapampangans reading this who have the powers and resources to make this product into a reality.

1. Find a buried house (or a village! - which is much better)

2. Dig out the dirt (or only part of the dirt) which will allow visitors to go down and enter the house. They will see up close how high the lahar was.

3. Im very sure that if properly implemented and coupled with good guiding or interpretation, this can add to the Philippine tourism map!

Anybody out there interested to take on the challenge?

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