Provinces & Destinations - Masbate

Batongan Cave
A kilometers and a half away from the National Highway

A large cave with three chambers, one higher than the other. Inside the base chamber are two stones shaped like an altar and a pulpit creating a religious ambiance. The top most chamber is home to numerous bats which provide the people with guano.

Cagpating Island
Near Togoron, Monreal

Noted for its crystal-clear water and mixed beaches of sand and pebbles on one side, deep rocks on the other. On the beach one is offered a panoramic view of the Masbate mainland.

Catandayagan Falls

The high single-tiered shaped waterfalls is also home to wild animals, exotic flowers and lush vegetation.

Isla de Paraiso
Across the Shoreline of Masbate Town

The different sides if the islet are covered by mangroves. Its beaches are famous for their powder white sands and breathtaking sunset views.

1 comment:

  1. where can I get a
    travel brochure for masbate province? I really need it..
    thankz! ^^,
