Provinces & Destinations - La Union

Capital : San Fernando City

Area and Location
La Union is in the southwestern Ilocos region in Northern Luzon . It is bounded by Ilocos Sur on the north and northeast, Benguet on the east, Pangasinan on the south, and the China Sea on the west.

Geographic Profile
La Union has a land area of about 149,309 hectares with a predominantly hilly terrain that gradually rises eastward from the shore. Its irregular coastal plain is narrowest in Damortis and widest in Balaoan.


Agoo Basilica
Rebuilt in 1892 after a severe earthquake. The Agoo Basilica remains one of the most imposing Catholic structures in the province of La Union . It is also one of the most ubiquitous as most of the travelers bound for Baguio are able to take a glimpse of the church situated along the national highway.

Lioac, Naguilian
The Ilocano native wine concocted from sugar cane juice and bark of "duhat for the coloring. Utilizing the age-old process, the taste of the basi differs from one producer to another.

Battle of San Fernando Marker
San Fernando
The historical marker shows how the battle was started and won enabling the establishment of the US Army Base M at Poro Point which was eventually used as a build up area for the projected invasion of Japan .

Bauang Beach
Stretching from Bacuit to Pagdalagan Sur, this fine grayish sand beach is lined with tourist establishments providing accommodation and amenities to visitors. Its calm, crystal-clear water is ideal for water sports activities.

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