Sleeping Blog

I found out that blogspot is a blocked site in China. That's why this has remained silent for some weeks now. But there's a bug and I am now able to open this site just for tonight. Tomorrow, I will definitely won't be able to open this site anymore (can't even view this, unless I use a google reader). So it will be several more weeks before I can post another blog on the Philippines. So all ye bloggers and multipliers - do not waste your time and imagination that 1.4 billion readers would be able to take a glimpse of your journals.

Well, while I'm on it, I might as well talk a bit about Beijing. Its a huge, huge city with tall buildings upon tall buildings, wide highways, and countless flyovers. Just ate great pizza (called Hutong Pizza).

But I really can't say much. Little brother might be watching, er, reading he he. Actually, I can't say much coz I haven't been going around. With luck, I might go to the great landmarks of this country (for free! he he)

So to my three subscribers, please wait for several more weeks before you get to read some juicy stuff on travel on the Philippines (China? I don't know if I would have the juice to write about this place... bahala na si batman!)

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